Spiritual Warfare: How to Wage Battle Against Evil Spirits
Spiritual Warfare: How to Wage Battle Against Evil Spirits If you’ve ever felt like something was trying to steal your peace, keep you from making progress in life, or even persuade you to commit immoral acts, then you’ve been engaged in spiritual warfare—the battle between God and Satan and the angels that began when Lucifer challenged God’s right to rule over Heaven (Isaiah 14:12–14). Whether we are aware of it or not, this battle goes on every day all around us and inside us as well. The good news is that we can take our stand against evil by learning how to wage spiritual warfare correctly and effectively. The Enemy’s Objective The devil doesn’t want to kill people—he wants to enslave them. The enemy's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He's the master of deception, willing to do whatever it takes to lead the world astray and cause God's people harm. At times, evil spirits will lie dormant, waiting for their time to attack. Other times, they'll see...