3 Signs that You Trust the Holy Spirit to Guide You in Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

3 Signs that You Trust the Holy Spirit to Guide You in Overcoming Spiritual Warfare Spiritual warfare is a battle that every believer faces in their journey of faith. It's the ongoing struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and it often manifests in various forms, such as temptation, doubt, and opposition. Amid this spiritual battlefield, trusting the Holy Spirit becomes paramount for victory and growth in one's spiritual journey. In this blog post, we'll explore three signs that indicate you trust the Holy Spirit to guide you in overcoming spiritual warfare, supported by scripture references from the King James Version (KJV). Sign 1: Peace Amidst Chaos One of the primary signs that you trust the Holy Spirit is experiencing peace amidst chaos. In spiritual warfare, chaos can manifest as turmoil, confusion, or anxiety. However, when you trust in the Holy Spirit, you can experience a profound sense of peace that surpasses understanding. As Philippians 4:7 (KJV) ...