“Love Is What It Does!!!”

“Love Is What It Does!!!” A great pastor used to always quote this saying. I have been spending time thinking about this!!! One of the ways that Satan attacks us is by making us feel unloved. Love is a powerful emotion. When someone does not feel love the enemy can creep in and stir up feelings of rejection and loneliness. These feelings can also lead to feelings of failure and that’s when the enemy can really stir up trouble. He wants you to feel defeated and give up on life. What better way to do so than to make you feel unloved? We are called to disciple and shepherd not only the easy ones, but also those who are hurting. Self-inflicted pain, disease, emotional, financial, or relationship loss, and a variety of other factors could all contribute to the pain. Romans 12 is a good place to start walking with the wounded, regardless of the reason. 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to th...