How Does One Go On In Troubled Times?


How Does One Go On In Troubled Times?

James 2:2 – 4, 2 My brethren, count it all

joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

I was reading an excerpt from a powerful book by Karen Briggs (a cofounder of Christway Ministries), A Thing Called Process, and she wrote “Something about trouble produces a hidden power that cannot be hidden.”  She also said in the book, “the most anointed people, have some of the most troublesome stories.”  Family isn’t that the truth! The devil feels by attacking you, your dreams and fulfillment will be stopped. So, when he attacks, we find ourselves saying “why me?” Or how could this happen to me when I have tried to live a good life? Or why are people that mean no good prospering!!!

Jesus warned us in the world you would have trouble, John 16:33.  He did not want us to be surprised!!!  Storms in life can strike the most unexpected persons and at the most inconvenient times. Look at the story of Job in the Bible. Job was at the top of his game and doing well. He feared God and shunned evil. Job was such a good man that God recognizes him and when approached by Satan, God tells him regarding the integrity of Job, “have you considered my servant Job” (Job 1:8)   He is wealthy, shuns evil, and honors God. But the devil challenges God that if these things be true and if they are taken away Job would curse God. God grants him permission to try Job. Satan goes to work immediately taking everything from Job – wealth and family. And finally, he takes his health but cannot take his life.

Trouble Will Come

John 16:33 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

The reality of life's challenges is obvious. We sometimes struggle to find the truth of serenity. In the same breath that Jesus warned His followers about turbulence, He also offered them peace.

We are looking for reassurance a lot of times. It does not really come from our friends or those around us as pointed out in the book of Job. Jobs friends accused him of doing wrong or sinning against God. Even, his wife, told him to curse God and die. So, the enemy wanted to bring Job down to a lowly state and hope to give hm a defeated mindset. He wanted him to feel all alone. Job stated in chapter 10:1, I loathe my life; therefore, I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.” (NIV) Job was a man of faith and a firm believer. His faith, though, had been put to the test. He believed in God but had problems with Him, so he communicated his worries and complaints. It was a true example of what Jesus said, “in the world ye shall have tribulation.”  

In a society plagued with fear, misunderstanding, and hostility, our values and character can be put to the test. Doubts are common. Many people have a cloudy vision of the future. Paul admonishes Timothy in II Timothy 3:12 and states “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.  He warns him and educates him that there will be trouble at times. It goes back to what Karen Briggs stated, “sometimes the most anointed people have the most troublesome stories.”  Paul was letting Timothy know he may experience some troublesome times in the future.

Endurance of Patients Throughout Trials

So, James stated it should be counted joyful when you fall into trials. It is not a question of whether or not trials will occur. As we know with life trials come from time to time. But, what James wanted, was to help us with how we respond to trials. These trials will work on your faith through patience. Being patient does not mean you quietly wait or endure the trial. But being patient means that you are actively waiting. What is on trial is your faith. The enemy is attacking your faith to get through this and your faith in God. He wants you to feel like you will fail. But what he does not know is he is exercising your spiritual muscles. So, the trying of your faith, as a believer, builds your patience. As a believer we should actively endure. You actively endure by reading your word, stay in prayer, fast, seek counseling, attends services, and serve others. So, the more of God’s word you hear, the more you will build up your faith (Romans 10:17). Worketh patience is not a being still or passive patience. It is going through this situation with a mindset I will come out or survive this with the help of the Lord. It’s “process!”

Patience, on the other hand, is not always a result of adversity. If trials are faced with skepticism and dissatisfaction, they might lead to bitterness and disappointment. Therefore, James encouraged us to take pleasure in everything. Faith's response to adversity is to rejoice in it. Proverbs 17:22 states, A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” It seems odd to the enemy that you can still smile in the face of adversity. Of course, some instances this is easier said than done. That is where actively enduring comes into play. The trials worketh patience if you respond the way James is telling us to respond. Sometimes, this is a process. It may take time. It takes prayer. It takes the word of God. Active process. It is a process sometimes to get there. This process will mature you and help you to grow. Patient perseverance needs time to develop and must be allowed to mature fully. Again, process or time.

Now let us turn back to Apostle Paul, he also, turns around and encourages him in II Timothy 3:15, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
  He tells him that the scriptures will make him wise unto salvation. Salvation comes from a Greek word, soteria, meaning deliverance, perseverance, or safety. The scriptures can help him deal with perilous times. It will help you navigate through the storms of life. He is saying you can find solace and deliverance in the word while going through your trials. James also admonishes us that we should seek wisdom during this season. God will give you wisdom for the course. Your process is giving you what you need, if, your response is not bitterness. The Apostle wanted us to see that this active patience will bring us to being complete or whole.

God Got Something Waiting!!!!

To sum it up I like what Karen Briggs stated, “God is up to something, even in the wait, the shame, and the pain!”  That is powerful. During the process God is molding you. Jeremiah 18:4 states, And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so, he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.

Sometimes, trials come to reshape you. I remember going through a trial once and wanted to give up, but the Lord spoke to my heart and told me that I came to far by faith to give up now! Then, he let me know that God had something waiting and don’t give up but hold on. Hold on everyone because if you look back over your life, you will see where God has brought you from. So, your experience or “process” is making you into the vessel that seemed good to the potter to make.

God Bless You!!!!

I Got A Word,

Little Preacher






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