What is the Role of The Church in Spiritual Warfare

 What is the Role of The Church in Spiritual Warfare


Spiritual warfare is a term that refers to the ongoing battle between good and evil in the spiritual realm. It is a battle that we all face, whether we realize it or not. The Bible tells us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). As believers, it is essential that we understand our role in this battle and how we can overcome the enemy. In this blog, we will discuss the role of the church in spiritual warfare.

The Church as a Spiritual Army

The Bible teaches us that the church is not just a physical building, but a spiritual body of believers in Christ. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul describes the church as a spiritual army equipped for battle. He urges believers to put on the full armor of God so that they can stand firm against the schemes of the devil. This armor includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The church is not just a passive observer in the spiritual battle but an active participant. As members of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to fight for our families, communities, and nations. We must be diligent in prayer, fasting, and the study of God's word, as we engage in spiritual warfare. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Paul reminds us that although we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. Our weapons are not physical, but spiritual, and they have the power to demolish strongholds and arguments that set themselves up against the knowledge of God.

The Church as a House of Prayer

In Matthew 21:13, Jesus refers to the temple as a house of prayer. As believers, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the church is the gathering place of the body of Christ. Therefore, the church should also be a house of prayer. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons in spiritual warfare. It is through prayer that we communicate with God, seek His will, and ask for His intervention in our lives and the lives of others.

The church should be a place where believers gather to pray for their families, communities, and nations. In Acts 4:31, we see the early church coming together in prayer after Peter and John were released from prison. As they prayed, the place where they were gathered shook, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This demonstrates the power of prayer when believers come together in agreement.

The Church as a House of Healing

In addition to being a house of prayer, the church should also be a house of healing. Spiritual warfare can take a toll on our physical, emotional, and mental health. Therefore, it is essential that the church provides a safe and nurturing environment for believers to receive healing.

In James 5:14-15, we are instructed to call on the elders of the church to anoint and pray for the sick. It is through this act of faith that the sick person can be healed, and their sins can be forgiven. The church should also provide counseling services for those who need emotional and mental healing. This can be done through trained counselors or support groups that provide a safe space for believers to share their struggles and receive support.

The Church as a House of Discipleship

The church is not just a place where believers gather for worship, but it is also a place of discipleship. Spiritual warfare requires that we grow in our faith, knowledge of God's word, and character. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us. This involves not only sharing the gospel but also disciplining new believers and helping them to grow in their faith.

The church can provide various opportunities for discipleship, such as Bible studies, small groups, mentoring, and discipleship programs. These programs can help believers to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God's word, and also provide accountability and support as they navigate the challenges of spiritual warfare.

The Church as a House of Unity

Unity is essential in spiritual warfare. The enemy seeks to divide and conquer, but the church is called to be united in Christ. In John 17:20-23, Jesus prays for unity among His followers, stating that it is through their unity that the world will know that He was sent by the Father.

The church should be a place where believers come together despite their differences, with a common goal of glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. Unity requires humility, forgiveness, and love, and it is through these virtues that the church can overcome the schemes of the enemy.


In conclusion, the church plays a critical role in spiritual warfare. As a spiritual army, the church is called to be active participants in the battle against the enemy. Through prayer, healing, discipleship, and unity, the church can overcome the enemy and advance God's kingdom. As believers, it is essential that we understand our role in this battle and actively engage in spiritual warfare, both individually and as a community of believers. Let us put on the full armor of God and stand firm against the schemes of the devil, knowing that we have the victory through Christ. Click here for more resources on building your faith.


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